Friday, October 9, 2009

Raw food for Health and Enjoyment

A beginner raw food class and tasting
Saturday October 24th 2-5pm
At our home in Los Cordovas
41 Saritas Rd.
Cost of class is $30 per person
includes food and handouts
Please call or e-mail to register
575-770-2824 0r

Friday, September 25, 2009

October Raw Food Potluck

The next Raw Food Potluck will be hosted by Taos Home Grown Raw on Wednesday October 14th at 6PM - 41 Sarita, Los Cordovas. Please RSVP and ask for directions if you haven't been here before: 770-2824/779-1392 or

Monday, September 14, 2009

Food Preservation Class

The TCEDC is hosting a 3 day food preserving class, September 23,24,25. Where? at the Taos Food Center, 1021 Salazar Rd in Taos. The cost for all 3 Days is only $50. This hands on class will include the fundamentals of; canning, pickling, fermenting, and dehydrating. Taos Home grown will present the dehydrating portion of the class. For more information cantact Elena Trujillo at 575-758-0162.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Lecture with Bill Saedlo, N.D., R.D.

"Let food be your medicine,
and medicine be your food".

Lecture Topics:
Traditional use of food as medicine
Oriental diagnosis
Alkaline and acid balance
The energetic nature of foods
Identify various constitutional types with their
appropriate diet & healing modalities

Saturday, August 22 - 9:00 to 3:30 - $20.
Includes class and delicious treats.

Bill Saedlo is a registered dietician and has studied
oriental medicine and naturopathy.

Bill's lectures are always a 'fun' day.
You will learn more in those few hours about your own personal health than from a boatload of
professionals of our so called "medical establishment".
The focus on the 22nd will be almost entirely on prevention.
Continue your quest for VIBRANT HEALTH!

The lecture will take place at Trent Smith's home on:
709 Upper Ranchitos Road. Turn in at Calle Unida (to the right of the street sign) and look for the 'parking' sign.
Gate in back of the lawn

Space is limited to 12 people and you must reserve by calling Trent at 770 4167 or send me an email at

Presented by Trent Smith Coaching
Call or email for information:
575 770 4167

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Recipe of the month

Mustard-Date-Herb Dressing

Servings: 1.5 cups
This is a great, no-fat-added dressing that really spices up your greens! It's a green color, too.

3/4 c. water
2-3 dates
optional clove of garlic
optional pinch of pink salt
1 T. mustard (dijon or stoneground)
6-7 spinach leaves or collard leaf
2 T. basil
1/2 c. cilantro
1/2 c. parsley

Blend until smooth in a blender or Vita-Mix. Vita-Mix or a high-speed blender works best. Otherwise, you may want to soak the dates.

August Raw Vegan Potluck

As allways on the second Wednesday of the month:
Linda Hone's Home - 204 Upper Ranchitos Road
1/2 block from the junction of Upper Ranchitos and
Pueblo Norte (where the carwash is) on the right.
Home behind a stone and lattilla fence.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July's News

Summer is moving right along. The weather has been great in Taos and the farmers market is thriving. We had a great Intro to Raw Food class with a very enthusiastic group. We thank all the participants for your wonderful feedback and we look forward to our next class which will include the benefits of fermented foods and delicious high powered nut and seed dressings.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

July Raw Vegan Potluck

July's raw food potluck will be as usual on the second Wednesday of the month:

Raw Vegan Potluck Supper

at Judith Duncan's Home Wednesday, July 8th. Arrive between 5:30- 6:00. Dine at 6:15.
Raw foodists and "just interested" are welcome. Join us for delicious, healthful, lovingly prepared appetizers, soups, salads, entrees and desserts. Enjoy the fellowship of other health seekers.
Contact Trent or Judith (758-3966) for directions and 'help', with raw vegan recipes.
Judith's Home - #1122 Don Juan Valdez Lane. Turn at Orlando's restaurant parking lot (west). 4th house on the left surrounded by a wooden fence.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Raw Food Class

Our next Raw Food Class will be held on Saturday, July 11, 2-4pm. The cost is $30 per person or bring a friend and pay $50 for two. The workshop will include an overview of the raw food diet and benifits and easy recipes to help get you started including green drinks, nut milks, dehydrating, sprouting and delicious salads and dressings.

Directions to our house
42 Las Tusas
Go approx 3 miles west on Hwy 240 to the 3 way stop sign.
Go straight onto Los Cordovas Rd. for 1/3 mile.
Turn left on Sarita, go 1/3 mile.
Turn right at post marker 41, go 1/3 of mile to 3rd house on left.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Peoples Bank Show

Peoples Bank Show opening reception. Here I am with Vera, Patric and Kit in front of 3 banners from my vibrational healing series at the TAO artists reception. There are 5 other artists on display and the show will run through July 25. I have a total of 7 banners on display each representing one of the major chakras. Hope you can stop by and see the show. Chris

Farmers Market

Hi Everyone,
We had a great time at the Farmers Market last Saturday. We saw lots of our friends and made some new ones too. If you can't make it on Saturday's don't fret we will also be selling our products at the Sunday Market at the KTAO Solar Center 10-2pm.
We are planning our next workshop so any feedback on what your specific interests are would be greatly appreciated. Please email us at
June's Raw Vegan Pot Luck Supper June 10, 5:45, will be held at Linda Hones home @ 204 Upper Ranchitos Rd. Raw foodists and "just interested" are welcome. Join us for delicious, healthful, lovingly prepared appetizers, soups, salads, entrees and desserts. Enjoy the fellowship of other health seekers.
Contact Trent or Linda (758 1653)
for directions and 'help', with raw vegan recipes.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Health Fair Taos Pueblo

We are delighted to be invited to the annual Taos Pueblo Health Fair. June 5th. 10-2pm on Friday. We will have a booth and be giving samples of local and traditonal foods which are prepared without using heat. We will have information about Chia the ancient Mayan super food. Trent Smith (nutrition coach) will be assisting us with the booth and will have valuable information to share about diabetes and how to control it with diet.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Farmer's Market

We will begin selling our Home Grown Sprouts at the farmer's market begining May 16 in the Town of Taos parking lot. We will have sunflower sprouts, buckwheat lettuce, alphalfa/radish sprout along with our raw food products. We are taking orders for wheatgrass trays and kombucha starters. See you there!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

We need help!

We are looking for someone to help with bookkeeping/accounting for our business in exchange for free class attendance or food products. Please contact us via

Saturday, April 4, 2009

April's News and Calendar of Events

New Retail Vendors -We are pleased to announce that the following vendors are now carrying our products: Taos Herb, Ojo Caliente Spa and The Body in Santa Fe.

The Raw Food Pot Luck -will be held at Linda Hones home this month, call Trent Smith at 575-770-4167 or Linda at 575-758-1653 for directions if you would like to attend.

Raw Food Class -Our next class will be "I can't believe it's not dairy". We will show you how to prepare a variety of delicious non dairy foods like: nut/seed milk/shakes, alfredo sauce, nut mayonnaise, creamers, to die for cheese cake, creamy chia pudding and much more.

Saturday April 18, 1-3 pm
41 Sarita Rd. in Los Cordovas west on state road 240, opposite the Ranchos Post office.
Cost is $30 per person or $50 for couples.

Vernal Equinox Celebration

Some of our fairy friends helping us celebrate the changing of the seasons.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Vegan Santa Fe

Here we are with Mariela at Vegan Santa Fe at 323 McKenzie. Next time you are in Santa Fe, drop in and see what she is preparing for lunch, it is sure to surprise and delight you. We had stuffed tomatoes, sprouted quinoa salad and raw berry ice cream, and a wonderful blooming tea. You can also find our crackers and marzipan for sale in her store.

March's Raw Food Pot Luck

Todd brought his Ozonated water to the pot luck and a lively conversation arose over the benifits of structured water. Check out the video Water if you are interested in learning more, it is quite fascinating to see all the research and findings that are being revealed to us. I will never think of water in the same way again.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Organic Bulk Products for Sale

We are ordering bulk organic products on line that are not available in town. Currently we have Chia seeds and raw cocoa powder. We are selling these items by the pound and more items will be added. Chia seeds are $10 per pound and raw cocoa powder is $16 per pound. These are the highest quality available that we have found. Call us if you are interested in purchasing these items.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March Events

The next raw food Pot Luck Super will be at our home on Wednesday March 11, at 6pm. All are welcome, if you need directions please email or call us.

Spring Equinox Celebration - Ceremony, balancing meditation, drumming and follie followed by raw delights, food for the fairies and higher vibrational beings. Saturday March 21, arrival 1:30-1:45, ceremony starts promptly at 2pm. Suggested Donation $10 per person and of course we will have our products for sale.

Spring Cleansing - This is the time of the year when many people embark on a cleansing program. If you would like infomation on cleansing programs contact nutrition coach Trent Smith at 575-770-4167 or

Dehydrated Food Class

Vera blessing the food before our class last Saturday. We had a very enthusiastic group who were eager to begin dehydrating and preserving their own delicious foods. Foods that are shown include Tamari Almonds, Savory Almonds, Crunchy Sunflower Seeds, Crispy Pumpkin Seeds, Kale Chips, Seaweed Snack, Carrot Bread, Nut Burgers, Chia Cookies, Apple Spice Granola, and Simple Pleasure Granola.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ch Ch Ch Chia

Chia seed
The reimergance of an ancient superfood, known as Indian running food. Just Google Chia and you will find a plethora of information on this tiny power packed seed.
Chia seeds are typically small ovals with a diameter of about one millimeter. They are mottle-colored with brown, gray, black and white. Chia seeds typically contain 20% protein, 34% oil, 25% dietary fiber (mostly soluble with high molecular weight), and significant levels of antioxidants (chlorogenic and caffeic acids, myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol flavonols). The oil from chia seeds contains a very high concentration of omega-3 fatty acid — approximately 64%. Chia seeds contain no gluten and trace levels of sodium. There are no known toxic components of chia.

Chia seeds are great for athletes because they are highly hydrophilic, meaning they can absorb large amounts of water. They can hold 10 times their weight in water making them a great enhancer in hydrating our bodies.

You can find our newest product Chia Chips at Cid’s Food Market and soon to be sold at our online outlets listed in the Link Section.

For more information on Chia visit:

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Products

Here is a list of the products we have for sale at Cids Food Market in Taos. You can find them in the refrigerated section in between the cakes and salads! The most recently added will be listed first.

Chia Chips raw, dehydrated, gluten free, light and crispy chips. Made from chia seeds, carrots, celery, tomatoes, onions, kelp, olive oil and spices.

Marzipan-Raw-Vegan made from ground almonds, honeycomb, almond extract, a touch of sea salt and rolled in cocoa powder. This one was a big hit at the Solstice party.

Sesame Flax Crackers - raw, dehydrated and gluten free. Perfect for spreads and dips, or to accomany a soup or salad.

Cashew Cream Cheese - None dairy, this smooth cashew spread is delicious and one of our most popular items.

Raw Zucchini Hummus - no bean, made with zucchini, tahini, sprouted sesame seads, lemon juice, garlic and spices. Lively!

Raw Chocolate Heaven - Need I say more? This is our best seller, made with a base of brazil nuts and dates and crowned with a chocoate made from cocoa nibs, cashews, agave, cocnut oil, and vanilla. This is a devine peice of work.

Berta's Raw Red Chile - Recently added, we had to include a delilcious red chile sauce that is a favorite of our family. Versitile, this sauce can be used in enchiladas, soups, recipes calling for chile or simply as a dipping sauce. Nothing in it but naturally dried red chiles, galic, salt and water.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Solstice Celebration

We had a wonderful Solstice celebration, raising our vibrations through ceremony, meditation, drumming and raw desserts.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

On going classes

Raw Food Classes

January’s introductory class was well attended and we all enjoyed a delicious celery soup, raw manicotti, Egyptian date candy along with almond milk and a green drink. Trent Smith gave us a very informative introduction to the benefits of raw food and we received wonderful feedback on the whole program. We are now earnestly planning our next class which will focus on Dehydrating foods.
Dehydrating food is a simple process, prepare your ingredients, place them on parchment paper and set the temperature at 115 degrees and leave for the required amount of time to remove most of the moisture without destroying all the nutrients which are vital for optimum health. The possibilities are endless with dehydrated foods. There are so many varieties in texture and flavor from savory to sweet and chewy to crunchy. But the best part is you can prepare them in advance, then have instant ready to go food. Lively up your salad with carrot bread, have granola with your almond milk for breakfast, or take a power bar on the road with you. Dehydrating foods makes your transition to raw food much more enjoyable and sustainable. Our February class will help you get started and give you the opportunity to try out several recipes while observing and assisting in the prep for these delicious foods.
Dehydrated Food Class
Saturday February 28, 1-3pm.
41 Sarita Rd. Los Cordovas
Cost $40 per person, 25% discount for couples
Reservations recommended

Valentines Recipes


Barfi (Indian Sweet Meet)
½ lbs. almonds
½ lbs cashews
1/8 cardamom powder or to taste
2 Tblsp Agave nectar
¼ tsp. salt
Cacao powder (optional)

Grind almonds and cashews in food processor until fine meal. Place in mixing bowl, add remaining ingredients and mash together with hands until well blended and not sticking to the bowl. Flatten onto a cutting board about ½ inch thick and smooth out edges pressing together. Cut into small shapes as you like. Optional, roll some pieces in cacao powder. Yum!

Fly to the Moon Chocolate
(From Trent Smith)
4 Tbsp powdered cacao
2 Tbsp powdered lucuma
1 Tbsp carob powder
2 Tbsp coconut oil
2-21/2 Tbsp agave nectar
½ tsp. vanilla

Melt coconut oil by placing a container of it in a bowl of warm water.
Blend dry and liquid ingredients separately, then combine the two, withholding ½ tbsp agave,
add only if the mixture is too thick.
The mix should be thick enough to “stand-up. With rubber spreader or spatula spread chocolate
About 1/4 inch thick on wax paper and shape.
Place on plate and put in freezer for 5-10 mins.
Score with knife in one inch pieces, return to freezer, cover with wax paper and leave for 30 mins. Remove from freezer and enjoy. Store remaining chocolate in the refrigerator.
For variety, sprinkle finely chopped coconut flakes, chopped almonds or chopped dried fruit before placing in freezer.


Greetings Raw Food Family,

February is the month of LOVE with the celebration of Valentines Day. Appropriately it is also National Healthy Heart Month. It is another opportunity to raise our awareness about improving our lifestyle through diet. Here is a little change you can make to break some old patterns without feeling deprived of the traditions revolving around celebrations. Instead of all that brightly wrapped sugar filled candy and waxy chocolate, try one of the simple recipes below, they are sure to please the biggest sweet fan you know and so simple to make. Don’t let the kids know they are also very nutritious and good for you too.