Thursday, March 5, 2009

Organic Bulk Products for Sale

We are ordering bulk organic products on line that are not available in town. Currently we have Chia seeds and raw cocoa powder. We are selling these items by the pound and more items will be added. Chia seeds are $10 per pound and raw cocoa powder is $16 per pound. These are the highest quality available that we have found. Call us if you are interested in purchasing these items.


  1. Where can we find your flax/seseame seed crackers????

  2. Thanks for the inquirey. Our products are available on line at and at Cid's Food Market in Taos, Ojo Clilente Spa, Taos Herb, Vegan Santa Fe and The Body in Santa Fe.

  3. Where can I find bulk (5 lbs) Mesquite flour?
    I read an article in my South Plains Electric coop by Clay Coppedge about the mesquite and a recipe was given for Mesquite Cornbread.
    Being a diabetic, I could use mesquite flour in my breadmaking.
